Gobbler’s Gallop
Gobbler’s Gallop 5K/1K Family Fun Run
Open to Runners and Walkers of All Abilities!
2024 Gobbler’s Gallop - Thank you for your support!

The Gobbler’s Gallop is a Fundraiser for the Pierce County Food Shelf
sponsored by St. Paul’s United Church of Christ Random Acts of Kindness Team
Thanksgiving Morning | November 28, 2024| 8:00 a.m. Starting and ending at Nilssen’s Foods and Ace Hardware - 157 E. Main Street, Ellsworth, WI
$20 per person/$50 family max. The entry fee includes a t-shirt. The family price includes two shirts and additional shirts are available for $10.
Registration must be received by Tuesday, November 19th to receive a t-shirt. Walk-up registration is available at 7:30 am on the event day.
Please make checks payable to SPUCC RAK. Contact Linette Greske for more information.
All registrations are non-refundable.
The online registration and payment using the link above will be processed through tithe.ly using a credit card.
The transaction will show up as “TITHE.LY* EVENT PAYMENT” or something similar on your credit card statement.