what to expect
We are a fun loving community of faith. It is not unusual to hear roars of laughter and jovial conversations. You don’t have to wear your “Sunday Best” here. Come in what you feel comfortable wearing. The pastor may wear a robe, but that does not mean you need to wear a suit. Come as you are. As you come into our space, a greeter will meet you, a bulletin handed to you, and you can then either grab a cup of coffee, meet up with a new friend, or head on in to find a place for worship.
worshipping with children?
If you have children, Sunday School takes place an hour before worship at 9 am. Then, we encourage you to bring your children into worship with the rest of us at 10 am. There are children’s activity bags at the entrance of our sanctuary for the younger ones to keep themselves busy. There are also coloring sheets and toys for smaller children in the back of the sanctuary. Just come on in and someone will help you find all these things.
And remember . . . no matter who you are or where you are on life’s journey, you’re welcome here!
Sunday Schedule
9 am Children’s Sunday School (September through May)
9 am Bible Study
10 am Worship
Communion is served on the first Sunday of every month.