Our Logo
Our Logo
When you look at our logo, we hope you see yourselves in it. We hope you see St. Paul’s UCC. For in this logo, we see our calling to “live at the crossroads of our life and faith.” We see that when we live at this intersection, we love God and love others as we love ourselves, and when that happens, the glory of God is both experienced in being the beloved community and it is shown all around as a witness to others for their viewing, as you see here with the spires coming out of that intersection in the middle of the logo.
If you look with a careful eye, you will also see a head that is neatly seated just above the intersection where the crossroads meet, reminding us that we are all God’s people and that the church is first and foremost about people and our relationship to others as well as to God—it is not our building.
The vibrant colors reflect the joy we seek in our journey together and the fun we have doing it all! This logo also does two more things. First, it represents movement. You see, the church is called to move and to be alive and to evolve and to be a center for transformation. Second, the church is called to move beyond the walls of our buildings out into the world. The crossroads each go from our center—that place where we meet regularly to encourage one another, to develop skills for better living and where we are equipped to better bring God’s Kingdom Realm into our world, and then we scatter out beyond our gathering to share God’s love and to build ministries that repair the world we have been entrusted to care for.
This is St. Paul’s UCC!!!
“Our mission: to love god, to love others, to find joy in the journey, and to have fun doing it all!”