Leadership and Committees
church council
The Council - reviews expenses, the budget, and makes decisions regarding issues that arise. The Church Council also plans and oversees congregational meetings.
The Cemetery Committee manages the general upkeep of the cemetery. They reset headstones, manage lawn care, and mark and sell cemetery plots. The committee meets once a year immediately preceding the annual meeting and as needed throughout the year.
Christian Education Committee
Christian Ed oversees church education — Sunday School, Bible Study, and Confirmation
Church Life Committee
Church Life plans special events, coordinates activities for fellowship, plans and coordinates activities within the church and community.
Church Property Committee
This committee recognizes and oversees needed repairs, and is responsible for organizing church and highway clean-up once a year.
The Memorial Committee receives and oversees Memorial Funds. They make decisions regarding how the funds are spent keeping any family requests in mind.
Memorial Committee
This committee’s focus is on supporting the relationship between the pastor and the congregation. The pastoral relations committee meets with the pastor quarterly and possibly at other times if there is a desire to do so.
Pastor Parish Relations Committee
The Stewardship Committee promotes giving to the five special offerings collected throughout the year. The five special offerings are: One Great Hour of Sharing, Strengthen the Church, Neighbors in Need, Christmas Fund, and Our Church’s Wider Mission (OCWM). This committee is also responsible for Stewardship Sunday and our Giving Tree where church members provide Christmas gifts for families in our community.
Stewardship Committee
The Historian collects and arranges, and preserves records of the church. In addition, the historian conveys an accurate and understandable picture of our church to future generations.
Church Historian
Finance Committee
The Finance Committee is responsible for setting up and managing the congregation’s giving platforms and for preparing the budget that is submitted to the council for approval.